Sunday, January 25, 2009 | | 0 comments

1st Meeting Scheduled

Our first informational meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, January 29th @ 7pm in the St. Eugenes School Library. If for some reason you thought this meeting was scheduled for a different date, you are correct. It has been moved because of the impending ice storm that is arriving sometime on Monday or Tuesday.

It is very important that all those interested in participating in the 16th Medical Mission Trip attend this meeting. For the first time in the history of Friends of Bolivia, we will be traveling to a country other than Bolivia. The location for this years trip is San Cosme, Mexico at the Pan American Medical Foundation's clinic. Our mission trip will take place between May 23-31st, 2009.

Here are some important dates to keep in mind:

  • January 29 - First meeting @ 7pm in the school library
  • February 7 - Friend's of Bolivia Auction at St. Eugenes @ 6pm in the Fellowship Hall
  • May 23-31 - The Mission Trip

p.s. If you attended one of our prior mission trips and would like to share your pictures on our private Web site, please let Sonny know so he can send you the instructions on how to post them.